StartSSL code signing certificates are crippled and your binaries no longer trusted once they have expired, even if they have been counter signed. Not to mention the other trust issues that StartSSL are experiencing.
Blog Articles and information on C# and .NET development topics
The Cyotek Development Blog has moved - please find it at
Although these pages remain accessible, some content may not display correctly in future as the new blog evolves.
A round up of the different software tools used by Cyotek over the past year.
A very short note on an unexpected log message which appeared when testing CopyTools FTP support.
A short article on at least one possible cause for the very unhelpful DEP0001 : Unexpected Error: -1988945902
error when trying to deploy a UWP application to a physical Windows Mobile phone.
A brief article showing how to display individual pages from a multi-page tiff file in the ImageBox control.
One of the nice things about the Visual Studio WinForms designers are the guidelines it draws onto design surfaces, aiding you in perfectly positioning your controls. These guidelines are known internally as snap lines, and by default each visual component inheriting from Control
gets four of these, representing the values of the control's Margin
property. However, this default designer doesn't include an implementation for the BaseLine
snap line, which is used to align controls via their contained text. This article shows how to create a custom designer to allow your controls to easily include this alignment option.
In several of my applications, I need to be able to line up text, be it blocks of text using different fonts, or text containers of differing heights. As far as I'm aware, there isn't a way of doing this natively in .NET, however with a little platform invoke we can get the information we need to do it ourselves as this short article demonstrates.
A short article on using command line tools for backing up databases hosted using Azure's SQL Database SaaS offering, and restoring them onto local SQL Server instances.
Some weeks ago I was trying to make parts of WebCopy's UI a little bit simpler via the expedient of hiding some of the more advanced (and consequently less used) options. And to do this, I created a basic toggle panel control. This worked rather nicely, and while writing it I thought I'd write a short article on adding keyboard support to WinForm controls.
One of the things that frequently annoys me about third party controls (including those built into the .NET Framework) are properties that either aren't virtual
, or don't have corresponding change events / virtual methods. Quite often I find myself wanting to perform an action when a property is changed, and if neither of those are present I end up having to create a custom version of the property, and as a rule, I don't like using the new
keyword unless there is no other alternative.
As a result of this, whenever I add properties to my WinForm controls, I tend to ensure they have a change event, and most often they are also virtual as I have a custom code snippet to build the boilerplate. That can mean some controls have an awful lot of events, many of which are rarely used.
This article describes how you can explicitly implement events to reduce the amount of memory your types take.