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Last week I attended the NEBytes technology user group for the first time. One of the presentations was for Twilio, an easy to use platform for creating SMS and VoIP applications. This short article demonstrates (with a simple caveat) just how easy it is to use this platform for sending SMS messages - a perfect way of adding two factor authentication to your services, or sending alert notifications, or any number of use cases.

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When you reduce the number of colours in an image, it's often hard to get a 1:1 match, and so typically you can expect to see banding in an image - areas of unbroken solid colours where once multiple similar colours were present. Such banding can often ruin the look of the image, however by using dithering algorithms you can reduce such banding and greatly improve the appearance of the reduced image. This article briefly discusses dithering as a prelude to further articles with actual dithering implementations.

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We use batch files for... well, pretty much everything. From simple files that simple optimize modified graphics, to the tendril-like files that build our software. For some time now, I've been using cecho.exe from a CodeProject article so that I highlight errors and successes. Sadly this tool doesn't output anything if a console window isn't in use (for example from a CI server) and so I created a quick C# version for a direct replacement.

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The ColorGrid control is a fairly useful control for selecting from a predefined list of colours. However, it can take up quite a bit of screen real estate depending on how many colours it contains. This article describes how you can host a ColorGrid in a standard ToolStrip control, providing access to both the ColorGrid and the ColorPickerDialog, with some custom painting to show the active colour on the button to round it off.

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