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One of our internal tools eschews XML or JSON configuration files in favour of something more human readable - YAML using YamlDotNet. For the most part the serialisation and deserialisation of YAML documents in .NET objects is as straight forward as using libraries such as but when I was working on some basic serialisation there were a few issues. This article describes how to use the IYamlTypeConverter interface to handle custom YAML serialisation functionality.

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At the start of 2014, I published an article describing how to read colour palettes from BBM/LBM files. At the end of that article I noted that Microsoft palette files used a similar format, but I didn't investigate that at the time. Since then I followed up with articles on reading and writing Adobe's Color Swatch and Color Exchange format files and I posted code for working with JASC, Gimp and other palette formats.

Now, finally, I decided to complete the collection and present an article on reading Microsoft's palette files.

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Previously, I've described on this blog how to do a basic integration of NDepend with Jenkins pipeline jobs. The disadvantages of the previous post was it was essentially part of a series tailored to our build process and so not easy to view as a stand-alone article and it only covered pipelines. This complementary post covers how to perform the same level of integration with a freestyle project.

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One of the security features of Jenkins is to send Content Security Policy (CSP) headers which describes how certain resources can behave. The default policy is extremely restrictive which can cause problems with content added to Jenkins via build processes. This post describes how to either temporarily or permanently change the CSP to be less restrictive.

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I've recently been updating our series on dithering to include ordered dithering. However, in order to fully demonstrate this I also updated the sample to include basic color quantizing with a fixed palette.

While color reduction and dithering are related, I didn't want to cover both topics in a single blog post, therefore this post covers finding the nearest color via Euclidean distance.

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