Cyotek WebCopy Known Issues
Copy websites locally for offline browsing
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Downloads may be available containing resolved issues from nightly builds.
Known Issues
Listed below are all known issues with Cyotek WebCopy, not including enhancements. Found an issue not on this list? Please let us know!
- [0000399] Severe performance issue in GUI client when crawling large site
- [0000405] http-equiv="last-modified" ignored
- [0000458] Possible error parsing cookies
- [0000459] CLI doesn't apply some options to single file requests
- [0000495] OK button in CSV Export dialog localised with Cancel button text
- [0000481] Excluded pages can still be accessed if advanced exclusion options are used
- [0000434] Quick scan dialog crashes for projects with an invalid URI
- [0000435] WebCopy GUI crashes if the output path is invalid
- [0000454] Crash updating progress bar when dialog closing
- [0000465] Overflow exception loading translated text
- [0000466] Download estimated time remaining calculations were incorrect and could cause a crash when downloading large files
- [0000467] A crash could sometimes occur when clicking Finish in the New Project Wizard
- [0000468] A crash occurred when trying to edit a file if it did not have a mime type
- [0000469] Crash occurs for 401 challege with `www-authenticate` header value containing bare type
- [0000471] Crash with "Content encoding '<value>' is not supported."
- [0000474] Failure to retreive remote page during URL validation is fatal
- [0000475] Trying to export CSV with a relative filename crashes
- [0000476] Crash building diagram with invalid host name
- [0000478] Illegal characters in path crash when downloading file
- [0000479] Illegal characters in path crash opening project
- [0000480] Illegal characters in path crash running CLI
- [0000483] CLI crashes when recursive downloading request and output folder does not exist
- [0000484] Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation crash using embedded IE browser
- [0000493] Crash trying to progress New Project Wizard with invalid URI
- [0000433] Remapping links doesn't URL-encode local filenames
- [0000430] Quick scan dialog crashes for projects without a URI
- [0000431] Quick scan dialog crashes if form parsing fails to obtain remote content
- [0000460] Switching tabs during crawl could partially initialise virtual list, causing a subsequent crash
For a list of planned enhancements and bug fixes, please view the product roadmap.
Minimum Requirements
- Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista SP2
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6
- 20MB of available hard disk space
This software may be used free of charge, but as with all free software there are costs involved to develop and maintain.
If this site or its services have saved you time, please consider a donation to help with running costs and timely updates.