Article describing how to extend the ImageBox control to support displaying PDF files using the GhostScript API, removing the need for a dedicated PDF reader.
Entries tagged with 'c#' Articles and information on C# and .NET development topics
Article which describes how to use C# and GhostScript to convert PDF files into raster images for displaying in an application without requiring a dedicated PDF reader.
Describes how to use the FontFamily object to determine if a given font style exists
An article which describes how to create a definition ruleset to allow CSS formatting in the DigitalRune/SharpDevelop Text Editor Controls, and how to load custom definition rulesets into the control.
Article which describes how to display ListView and TreeView controls using Visual Styles in Windows Vista or higher via the SetWindowTheme API.
This article shows how to use the built in ownerdraw functionality of a standard Windows Forms ComboBox control to display a WYSIWYG font list.
A tip on using the AcceptVerbs attribute with MVC actions
Some of the project files created by Cyotek Sitemap Creator and WebCopy are fairly large and the load performance of such files is poor. The files are saved using a XmlWriter class which is nice and fast. When reading the files back however, currently the whole file is loaded into a XmlDocument and then XPath expressions are used to pull out the values. This article describes our effort at converting the load code to use a XmlReader instead.
As part of the refactoring I was doing to the load code for crawler projects I needed a way of verifying that new code was loading data correctly. As it would be extremely time consuming to manually compare the objects, I used Reflection to compare the different objects and their properties. This article briefly describes the process and provides a complete helper function you can use in your own projects.
An article showing how to create a trackback handler in C# for use with either ASP.NET webforms or MVC.