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With various (in theory) safeguards in place, and concious that sometimes there is quite a delay between official releases, we've decided to have the latest CI build for supported products automatically uploaded to each day, allowing adventurous end users to get access to fixes sooner than normal releases.

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Every so often, we'll receive a Google alert which has a link to HerdProtect or TotalVirus with a page merrily listing one of Cyotek's executable files are being a virus. I'll duly check these pages only to discover that while it might be one of our files (or a file with the same version information), it has been modified, renamed and then dumped in one of the Windows system folders attempting to masquerade as another component.

This sort of thing isn't really great advertising for Cyotek, so I thought I would write this post reminding users to take caution when downloading files and to use common sense, along with outlining how you can check if the files are valid.

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Although I've been experimenting with allowing JavaScript macros to be used with Gif Animator, I ultimately decided it was overkill for what I really wanted - the ability to apply consistent effects to images. This post describes improvements to effect configuration dialogs which allow this, and how I've killed off the Optimize Image dialog in favour of easier to use commands.

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One of the biggest sources of support requests for WebCopy are to do with posting forms, and WebCopy's ongoing inability to handle dynamic values. Thankfully, with WebCopy this issue has finally been resolved as we have introduced a variety of improvements with forms, including value merging and a new tool to capture form data.

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